Whitepaper: Machine Editor


The Machine Editor emerges as an innovative companion to the UI Editor, designed to orchestrate complex UI/UX flows with unprecedented ease and precision. This whitepaper illuminates the facets of the Machine Editor, highlighting its no-code, JSON data-centric approach, thereby empowering users to seamlessly define and manage interactive designs. Integrated with the UI Editor, which is built atop the robust PixiJS framework, this tool employs state-of-the-art technologies including WebGL, HTML5, and Electron, and harnesses XState for sophisticated state management following the SCXML standard, revolutionizing interactive design integration.


Developing interactive and dynamic user interfaces demands not just artistic vision but also an efficient mechanism for controlling logical states and transitions. Addressing these requirements, the Machine Editor offers a no-code solution that perfectly complements the visually rich, PixiJS-powered UI Editor, enabling both designers and non-coders to effortlessly create, control, and deploy complex UI/UX flows, thus bridging the traditional divide between visual creativity and logic implementation.

Tool Overview


The Machine Editor serves to enhance the UI Editor by providing a user-friendly, no-code platform for managing the state logic behind interactive UI elements. With its sophisticated yet accessible interface, it simplifies the construction and management of complex UI/UX flows, facilitating a seamless bridge between design and functionality, particularly benefiting from the UI Editor’s PixiJS-based graphical capabilities.

Target Audience

Target users of the Machine Editor include:

  • UI/UX Designers
  • Front-end Developers
  • Game Developers
  • Application Design Teams

Key Features

  • Data-driven, No-Code Design: Facilitates the creation of states and transitions without requiring programming skills, saving configurations as easily editable and shareable JSON data.

  • Integration with PixiJS-based UI Editor: Ensures smooth interoperability with UI designs created in the UI Editor, enabling a seamless transition from visual design to interactive logic.

  • WYSIWYG Interface: Delivers a direct editing experience, making state and transition changes instantly visible and intuitive.

  • Simplified Code Integration: Clearly defined activities and actions within the machine logic allow for straightforward incorporation into the final application code.

  • Robust State Management: Leverages XState, guided by the SCXML specification, to provide a solid foundation for managing interactive states in UI/UX designs.

  • High Compatibility and Performance: Utilizes advanced web technologies like WebGL and HTML5, complemented by Electron for desktop application deployment, ensuring consistent performance across various platforms.


  • Democratizes Design Process: Enables a broader range of contributors to engage in the UI/UX development process through its no-code approach.

  • Enhances Efficiency: Merges visual design and logical configuration into a single workflow, significantly reducing development time and complexity.

  • Ensures Smooth Integration: The clear delineation of activities and actions simplifies the transition from design to coding, minimizing errors and enhancing team synergy.

  • Accelerates Design Iteration: Real-time editing and feedback enable swift adjustments and optimization, fostering innovation and design excellence.

Technical Details

The Machine Editor, designed to complement the PixiJS-based UI Editor, is constructed using contemporary web technologies like WebGL, HTML5, and is packaged as an Electron application. Its core functionality revolves around XState for state management, aligning with the SCXML standard for a reliable approach to handling interactive designs. The tool’s no-code interface, coupled with JSON data storage, offers an intuitive yet powerful environment for creating intricate UI/UX flows, ensuring ease of integration and high compatibility with existing development workflows.

Comparison with Existing Solutions

Unlike traditional tools, the Machine Editor uniquely integrates with the PixiJS-based UI Editor, providing a cohesive platform that merges visual aesthetics with logical interactivity in a no-code environment. This unique combination significantly simplifies the design and implementation process, offering an integrated solution that fosters collaboration and streamlines the transition from concept to functional application.


In the realm of UI/UX design and development, particularly for interactive applications, the Machine Editor emerges as an indispensable tool. By combining a no-code, JSON-based approach with WYSIWYG editing and straightforward code integration, alongside seamless compatibility with the PixiJS-based UI Editor, it empowers a diverse range of professionals to devise more dynamic and engaging user experiences. As we move forward into an era of ever-increasing digital complexity, the Machine Editor and UI Editor together stand at the forefront of innovation, redefining the boundaries between design and technology.