Interface: BuilderConfig


Client builder configuration.



Optional audiosprites: AudioSpriteConfig[]

Bundler audiosprite configurations. Audio sprites will be packed into the intermediate build directory. From there they can be included into the binary blob bundles using the blobs configuration.

The order of the array defines the priority of the audio sprites, meaning that if files match to multiple audio sprites they will only be placed in the first one that they match with.

The glob patterns here match against the original files in the src directory.


Optional blobs: BundleConfig[]

Distribution binary blob configurations. Binary blobs will be packed into the final dist directory. All files in the intermediate build directory that are not configured to a blob will still be copied to the distribution. Cache-busting is also automatically applied to every file that goes into the final distribution.

The order of the array defines the priority of the binary blobs, meaning that if files match to multiple blobs they will only be placed in the first one that they match with.

The glob patterns here match against files in the intermediate build directory.


Optional build: string

Intermediate build directory for generated assets for bundling. Defaults to build if not provided.


config: Config

Project configuration loaded from .project file.


Optional copy: string | string[]

Glob pattern(s) for copying files to the intermediate build directory that are not packed into spritesheets or audio sprites. Files that are included in the spritesheets and audiosprites are automatically ignored from the copy list. That means you can safely specify a wildcard pattern that copies every asset file in the source directory.

The copy task does some trivial compression where appropriate, such as removing whitespace from json files.

The glob patterns here match against the original files in the src directory.


Optional customImportRoot: string

Root path for custom imports. Required to maintain directory hierarchy when using a custom rootDir parameter for tsc.

The path is relative to the src directory.


Optional customImports: string | string[]

Custom files not copied by tsc. These are usually non-standard file extensions that are not copied by default, for example .graphql.

The glob patterns here match against the original files in the src directory.


Optional devServerPort: number

Port for the dev server. Defaults to 8080 if not set.


Optional dist: string

Destination path for final bundle. Defaults to dist if not provided.


Optional entry: string

Main entrypoint. Defaults to main.mjs if not provided.

The file lookup happens from the intermediate build directory where the TypeScript files are compiled to.


Optional external: string | string[]

Glob pattern(s) for copying external/static files directly to the final dist directory.

The glob patterns here match against the original files in the src directory.

Works similar to the copy patterns, except this copies directly to the distribution folder, bypassing the dist task entirely. This means any files included here but not in copy:

  • Will not be added to the bundle map
  • Will not be cache busted!

If files appear in both lists, then they will have two copies of the file in dist; one copy that is not cachebusted and one that is.


gulp: Gulp

The gulp instance from the project’s gulpfile.


Optional index: string | string[]

Filename for the main index page. Defaults to index.html if not provided.

Supports an array of filenames in case the application needs multiple html entry points.


Optional scriptWatch: string | string[]

Watcher glob patterns for dev-env script compile. Watches all .ts, .mts and .json files recursively if not provided.

The glob patterns here match against the original files in the src directory.


Optional spritesheets: SpriteSheetConfig[]

Bundler spritesheet configurations. Sprite sheets will be packed into the intermediate build directory. From there they can be included into the binary blob bundles using the blobs configuration.

The order of the array defines the priority of the sprite sheets, meaning that if files match to multiple sprite sheets they will only be placed in the first one that they match with.

The glob patterns here match against the original files in the src directory.


Optional src: string

Source root path, ie. the base for all relative paths. Defaults to src if not provided.


Optional webpack: Partial<WebpackConfig>

Webpack options to override built-in builder Webpack options. The options are deep merged with the default ones.