Interface: ParticleEffectConfig

Configuration for a single particle effect.



config: EmitterConfigV2

Emitter configuration.


Optional framerate: number

Framerate for the animation. Only used with animated and animatedLoop modes.


Optional mode: "random" | "animated" | "animatedLoop" | "animatedLifetime"

Emitter mode:

  • random - Randomly selects a texture from the list when emitting.
  • animated - Texture animation will be used with the framerate setting. Once the animation finishes the last frame will be displayed until the particle dies.
  • animatedLoop - Texture animation will be used with the framerate setting. The animation will loop until the particle dies.
  • animatedLifetime - Texture animation will be used. The framerate setting is ignored and the framerate is automatically calculated based on the particle’s lifetime so that the animation finishes just as the particle dies.


textures: Texture<Resource>[]

Textures to use for the emitter. Whether the emitter chooses a random texture from the list, or does sprite animation depends on the mode parameter.