Interface: BuilderConfig


Editor builder configuration.



Optional build: string

Intermediate build directory for resources that require multiple build steps. Defaults to build if not provided.


Optional commonComponents: Object

Common components configuration.

Type declaration

Name Type
popups? { dist?: string ; source?: string }
popups.dist? string
popups.source? string


Optional copy: string | string[]

Glob pattern(s) for copying files to the dist directory. A wildcard pattern that copies every files in the source directory could be used.


Optional dependencyOutputFile: string

JSON filename to which the hierarchical list of dependencies is written. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten. Default value: dependencies


deployConfig: Object

The editor’s configuration for S3 deployment.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
bucket? string The name of the S3 bucket to deploy to.
deploy? string Destination path for the executable installers.
projectShortName string The editor’s short name.


Optional dist: string

Destination path for final bundle. Defaults to dist if not provided.


Optional entry: Object

Editor entrypoints.

The file lookup happens from the intermediate build directory where the TypeScript files are compiled to.

Type declaration

Name Type
main string
popups string
preload string
renderer string
workers string


gulp: Gulp

The gulp instance from the project’s gulpfile.


Optional scriptWatch: string | string[]

Watcher glob patterns for dev-env script compile. Watches all .ts, .mts and .json files recursively if not provided.

The glob patterns here match against the original files in the src directory.


Optional scss: string[]

Sass files.

Sass compiler will compile all the files with .scss extension that match against the glob patterns here.


Optional src: string

Source root path, ie. the base for all relative paths. Defaults to src if not provided.


Optional template: string

Editor template to build.

The glob patterns here match against the original files in the src directory.


Optional webpackExternals: string | RegExp | ExternalItemObjectKnown & ExternalItemObjectUnknown | ExternalItem[] | (data: ExternalItemFunctionData, callback: (err?: null | Error, result?: string | boolean | string[] | { [index: string]: any; }) => void) => void | (data: ExternalItemFunctionData) => Promise<ExternalItemValue>

Specify dependencies that shouldn’t be resolved by webpack, but should become dependencies of the resulting bundle.